IOCAH29 model which is for North American market is ETL, FCC,Energy Star certified EV charger. With it’s unique mini design and advanced technology, it is good partner for your home EV charging.
Main features:
- Up to 32A, 40A versions available
- OCPP 1.6J, OCPP 2.0.1 Fully supported
- Dynamic load balancing connect CT clamps directly
- Schedule your charging times when rates are lower
Charge your EV with power from the grid, solar, battery or all source
Ethernet, WLAN, 4G, Bluetooth available
- User Authentication via RFID, ISO15118 Plug&Charge or mobile App
Tuya mobile app integration for smart home device control
User friendly web portal for charger configuration, maintenance and fault check

Unique design & Easy installation
Mini exterior design is IOCAH29 charger’s marked feature. With it’s 4KG weight and mini dimension, it is easy for placement and installation. Multiple colors of upper casing is also optional for customer’s preference. It is safe for indoor and outdoor use with Type 3R rated for water and dust resistance.
Your electrician can easily install the IOCAH29, with an available Hardwired, NEMA 6-50P or NEMA 14-50 plug installation.
*Different models use different NEMA plug.
Smart charging
IOCAH29 is mini yet smart charging with iocharger’s advanced technology. OCPP 1.6J and OCPP 2.0.1 compatible. Not only support Ethernet, WiFi, 4G network connection, but also support Bluetooth feature to transfer the data when other network is not available.
Tuya smart home
IOCAH29 has integrated with Tuya mobile app to control and monitor your home EV charger. With this feature you can start/stop charging, schedule charging plan on Tuya mobile app. Your charger and all other home smart devices can be controlled by Tuya mobile app, no need to install additional apps.

Dynamic load balancing
The CT clamp can be connected to the IOCAH29 mini smart EV charger directly for current monitoring of other home appliances, without extra device. The charging current is automatically adjusted according to real-time current values. It can prevent your home from overloading with installation of single or multiple chargers, either online or offline.
Outstanding Solar & Energy management
If you have solar system, and also energy storage system at your home, IOCAH29 charger can work with the whole system seamlessly. You can easily monitor the complete system and control its charging through IOC Lite mobile App.
3 charging modes for solar energy to optimize your energy use
- Full, always charging at the full rate
- Solar Assist, will use both Solar source & Grid source, with solar source as first priority, and make sure keep charging until full EV charging
- Solar only, will use solar source only, if not enough for charging, charger will be switched to suspended mode, and back to charging if solar available for charging again