iocharger provides turnkey OCPP EV charging solutions for Apartment complexes, which benefits landlords and tenants alike.
More Attractive Properties
In the era of rapid technological development, property with innovative equipment and sustainable concepts is one of the most crucial factors if you want to succeed in housing market. As a property owner, installing EV charging stations in your car parks helps you increase your property values, and will attract more tenants to improve apartment occupancy. iocharger’s OCPP EV charging stations are easy to install indoors, outdoors, or in underground garages.
Safe, easy to use, and unique design EV charging station from iocharger for residential facilities. The unique design of the independent power backplate and charger body of iocharger smart AC charger IOCAH20 charger makes it a flexible solution for both property owners and tenants. Property owners can only install backplates and protective shells on parking lots at first to reduce the investment costs at the beginning. Tenants can choose leasing or purchasing charger solutions based on their requirements.
The clear LCD display and indicator lights of the IOCAH20 EV charger make it a user-friendly charging facility for tenants to charge their electric vehicles. With iocharger’s professional EV charging solutions, it is easy to equip older apartment buildings or large residential complexes with a network charging infrastructure and ideally prepare your property to meet future requirements.
Even if many tenants charge their electric cars at the same time, iocharger’s smart load management system ensures complete charging reliability for entire apartment buildings by intelligently distributing available current.
Transparent Billing for Tenants and Property Owners
With iocharger’s smart OCPP EV charging backend, the energy used to charge the electric cars can be billed clearly and conveniently to benefit both tenants and property owners. To prevent use by unauthorized persons, access to the EV charging stations can be secured by using an RFID charging card. Property owners can easily keep track of the EV charging electricity by whom and invoice it. Tenants can easily check the charging rates directly on the LCD display of the IOCAH20 charger or in iocharger’s EV charging App.
Check iocharger Sistema di gestione dell'energia per il settore residenziale e commerciale